activate_signup | EXEC | data__organization_id, data__user |
Creates a user in the organization previously created in /partner/v2/signup . This completes the signup process if you did not pass in user details to /partner/v2/signup . Calling this endpoint if the signup process has been completed will result in a 409 Conflict error. |
signup | EXEC | data__entitlement, data__organization |
Create an organization for a customer. You must pass in either an entitlement object reference (a url to a previously created entitlement) or entitlement details. If you pass in an entitlement object reference, we will link with the created entitlement. If you pass in the entitlement details, we will create the entitlement with the organization in a single transaction. If you pass in user details (email, given name, and family name), we will create a user as well. If you do not pass in user details, you MUST call /partner/v2/signup/activate with user details to complete signup. |
signup_partner_v2link | EXEC | data__entitlement, data__organization, data__token |
Signup a customer by linking a new entitlement to an existing Confluent Cloud organization. |