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idstringID is the "natural identifier" for an object within its scope/namespace; it is normally unique across time but not space. That is, you can assume that the ID will not be reclaimed and reused after an object is deleted ("time"); however, it may collide with IDs for other object kinds or objects of the same kind within a different scope/namespace ("space").
descriptionstringHuman readable description of the notification type
api_versionstringAPIVersion defines the schema version of this representation of a resource.
categorystringRepresents the group with which the notification is associated.
Notifications are grouped under certain categories for better organization.
- BILLING_LICENSING: All billing, payments or licensing related notifications are grouped here.
- SECURITY: All Confluent Cloud and Platform security related notifications are grouped here.
- SERVICE: All Confluent services (eg. Kafka, Schema Registry, Connect etc.) related notifications are
grouped here.
- ACCOUNT: All Confluent account related notifications are grouped here.
For example: Billing, payment or license related notifications are grouped in BILLING_LICENSING category.
display_namestringHuman readable display name of the notification type
is_included_in_planbooleanWhether this notification is available to subscribe or not
as per the user's current billing plan.
kindstringKind defines the object this REST resource represents.
metadata``ObjectMeta is metadata that all persisted resources must have, which includes all objects users must create.
severitystringSeverity indicates the impact of this notification.
- CRITICAL: a high impact notification which needs immediate attention.
- WARN: a warning notification which can be addressed now or later.
- INFO: an informational notification.
subscription_prioritystringIndicates whether the notification is auto-subscribed and if the user can opt-out.
- REQUIRED: the user is auto-subscribed to this notification and can't opt-out.
- RECOMMENDED: the user is auto-subscribed to this notification and can opt-out.
- OPTIONAL: the user is not auto-subscribed to this notification but can explicitly subscribe to it.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_notifications_v1notification_typeSELECTidGeneral Availability

Make a request to read a notification type.
list_notifications_v1notification_typesSELECTGeneral Availability

Retrieve a sorted, filtered, paginated list of all notification types.