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idstringID is the "natural identifier" for an object within its scope/namespace; it is normally unique across time but not space. That is, you can assume that the ID will not be reclaimed and reused after an object is deleted ("time"); however, it may collide with IDs for other object kinds or objects of the same kind within a different scope/namespace ("space").
descriptionstringA description of the certificate authority.
api_versionstringAPIVersion defines the schema version of this representation of a resource.
certificate_chain_filenamestringThe file name of the uploaded pem file for this certificate authority.
crl_sourcestringThe source specifies whether the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is updated from
either local file uploaded (LOCAL) or from url of CRL (URL).
crl_updated_atstringThe timestamp for when CRL was last updated.
crl_urlstringThe url from which to fetch the CRL for the certificate authority if crl_source is URL.
display_namestringThe human-readable name of the certificate authority.
expiration_datesarrayThe expiration dates of certificates in the chain.
fingerprintsarrayThe fingerprints for each certificate in the certificate chain. These are SHA-1 encoded
strings that act as unique identifiers for the certificates in the chain.
kindstringKind defines the object this REST resource represents.
metadata``ObjectMeta is metadata that all persisted resources must have, which includes all objects users must create.
serial_numbersarrayThe serial numbers for each certificate in the certificate chain.
statestringThe current state of the certificate authority.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_iam_v2certificate_authoritySELECTidLimited Availability

Make a request to read a certificate authority.
list_iam_v2certificate_authoritiesSELECTLimited Availability

Retrieve a sorted, filtered, paginated list of all certificate authorities.
create_iam_v2certificate_authorityINSERTLimited Availability

Make a request to create a certificate authority.
delete_iam_v2certificate_authorityDELETEidLimited Availability

Make a request to delete a certificate authority.
update_iam_v2certificate_authorityEXECidLimited Availability

Make a request to update a certificate authority.