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namestringName of the connector
configobjectConfiguration parameters for the connector. These configurations
are the minimum set of key-value pairs (KVP) which can be used to
define how the connector connects Kafka to the external system.
Some of these KVPs are common to all the connectors, such as
connection parameters to Kafka, connector metadata, etc. The list
of common connector configurations is as follows

- cloud.environment
- cloud.provider
- connector.class
- kafka.api.key
- kafka.api.secret
- kafka.endpoint
- kafka.region
- name

A specific connector such as GcsSink would have additional
parameters such as, flush.size, etc.
tasksarrayList of active tasks generated by the connector
typestringType of connector, sink or source


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
read_connectv1connectorSELECTconnector_name, environment_id, kafka_cluster_idGeneral Availability

Get information about the connector.
create_connectv1connectorINSERTenvironment_id, kafka_cluster_idGeneral Availability

Create a new connector. Returns the new connector information if successful.
delete_connectv1connectorDELETEconnector_name, environment_id, kafka_cluster_idGeneral Availability

Delete a connector. Halts all tasks and deletes the connector configuration.
list_connectv1connectorsEXECenvironment_id, kafka_cluster_idGeneral Availability

Retrieve a list of "names" of the active connectors. You can then make a read request for a specific connector by name.
pause_connectv1connectorEXECconnector_name, environment_id, kafka_cluster_idGeneral Availability

Pause the connector and its tasks. Stops message processing until the connector is resumed. This call is asynchronous and the tasks will not transition to PAUSED state at the same time.
resume_connectv1connectorEXECconnector_name, environment_id, kafka_cluster_idGeneral Availability

Resume a paused connector or do nothing if the connector is not paused. This call is asynchronous and the tasks will not transition to RUNNING state at the same time.