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idstringID is the "natural identifier" for an object within its scope/namespace; it is normally unique across time but not space. That is, you can assume that the ID will not be reclaimed and reused after an object is deleted ("time"); however, it may collide with IDs for other object kinds or objects of the same kind within a different scope/namespace ("space").
amountnumberFinal amount after deducting discounts.
api_versionstringAPIVersion defines the schema version of this representation of a resource.
discount_amountnumberAmount discounted from the original amount in dollars.
end_datestringEnd date of time period (exclusive) to retrieve billing costs. It is represented in RFC3339 format and is in UTC.
granularitystringGranularity at which each line item is aggregated.
kindstringKind defines the object this REST resource represents.
line_typestringType of the line item.
network_access_typestringNetwork access type for the cluster.
original_amountnumberOriginal amount accrued for this line item.
pricenumberPrice for the line item in dollars.
productstringProduct name.
quantitynumberQuantity of the line item.
resourceobjectThe resource for a given object
start_datestringStart date of time period (inclusive) to retrieve billing costs. It is represented in RFC3339 format and is in UTC.
unitstringUnit of the line item.


NameAccessible byRequired Params
list_billing_v1costsSELECTend_date, start_date